Мобильная касса 54-ФЗ




Use the application "Mobile ticket office 54-FZ" in conjunction with a mobile CCP ATOL 11F Bluetooth, which allow a courier to break check in the order at the time of calculation identifying all goods.The application allows you to receive orders from the accounting system 1C: Enterprise and if necessary, adjust it at the time of payment. Punch a check to order. After the closure of the change send 1C "Report cashier change."The app can be used without 1C in the "offline". PLANT positions, prices and punching checks, refunds, to take Z-Reports.Vozmizhnosti applications:*** In operation, with the accounting system (1C: Enterprise): ***• Loading of goods from 1C• Upload of counterparties and their debts from 1C• Download of orders from 1C• Selection of the order by barcode• Sending 1C cash change report• Printing checks on request in accordance with the 54-FZ• Adding funds• Withdrawal of funds• Check return• Opening of change• Closing of the change with quenching• Send a check to your phone or email (via CRF)*** In operation, without accounting system (cash and android): ***• Creating goods• Loading of goods from excel file• Print checks in accordance with the 54-FZ• Print a return receipt in accordance with the 54-FZ• Adding funds• Withdrawal of funds• Send a check to your phone or email (via CRF)